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What is Resistors

Industrial Resistances are the name given to all industrial products used to obtain heat energy from electrical energy. Resistors are a product that resists very high temperatures due to their usage areas. The resistors conduct electricity and convert it into heat energy. Resistors used in many different fields

They are conductors with low cost and high strength. In the basic operation of the resistances, the heater resistances are determined by calculating the ratio of the electricity passing through the circuit to heat energy, and the electrical current is converted into heat by using appropriate materials while the devices are being produced. An efficient heat production depends on the properties of the used resistor. The resistors can also show high resistance to the generated heat. Resistances have a very important place in areas such as heating technology, heavy industry, textiles, electrical appliances, thermostats. The resistances, which are divided into types according to the material used and the area of ​​use, have started to be used in different areas with the developing technology. If it is necessary to list the types of resistances that are most used both in industrial areas and in daily life, they can be shown as Cartridge Resistance, Plate Heaters, Ceramic Resistance and Clamp Resistances.

Resistance products are generally produced on the basis of nickel or iron. Nickel-based ones are usually nichrome. There are various reasons why nichrome is the most popular material for resistance products. First of all, nichrome resistors have a high melting point (1400°C), they do not oxidize even at high temperatures and are frequently preferred in the production of resistors since they do not expand much when heated.

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