(0212) 640 87 58 Mon - Fri: 8.00am - 18.00pm


Special Product Heaters

Special Production Heaters are industrial products that are specially produced to convert electrical energy into heat energy in industrial devices. Resistors in many equipment and devices that make human life easier are produced in different models and shapes according to the machine or industrial device to be used.

In the production of Special Production Heaters, special parts that convert energy into heat are produced according to the size and operating power of the device to be used in the resistance. In order to be suitable for use in versatile industrial devices, special resistances are produced and designed to fit with new devices. In addition, in order to include various features in special production resistors, first of all, the size, shape and kW selections required for production must be specified. The properties of the resistor to be used, such as waterproofing or insulating, are also important elements for the production of special resistors.

Why Special Production Heaters

Special Production Heaters are systems or devices used to increase the heat emission of industrial devices or to heat industrial devices. Elements such as areas of use, product features, kilowatt (kw) consumption values ​​and heat resistance properties; It has brought about the production of resistors with different properties and therefore the increase in the production of special production resistors.

The resistances that are not selected according to the device or the machine generally do not operate with low efficiency and shorten the life of the machine used. Special Production Heaters should be selected in accordance with the area where they are used and the heat values ​​to be used. Alloy materials must be carefully selected in order for the Special Production Heaters to be used to be resistant to high operating temperatures. Although these Special Production Heaters provide high heat, the most important element in the resistors is efficiency. Features such as energy saving, durability and non-corrosion of special production resistors are of great importance.

As Isıer Resistans, Special Production Cartridge Resistance, Special Production Nozzle Resistance, Special Production Flange Heating Element, Special Production Sleeved Element, Special Production Hot Runner Elements, Special Production Hot Runner Nozzle, Special Production Plate Element, Plate Resistance, Special Production Pipe Resistance, Special We produce Ceramic Heaters and Special Production Spiral Heaters. In addition, we sell Heat Controllers, Manifold and Air Heaters and Special Production Thermocouple types. You can get information about Special Production Heaters by contacting us on our phone number or visiting our website.

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